Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wednesday, 1/25/2012

Talking to Gran (my mom) on speakerphone

More reading, this time with Miss Dina!
The boys cook up something in the kitchen
Our gracious hosts, Miles and Vivienne
"Thanks, Miss Dina. I sure do love books!"
Miss Leslie takes her turn at reading
Vivienne cuteness
Miles cuteness

Tuesday, 1/24/2012

Yep, he can climb that high by himself!
"Look at me!"

Rachel decides to give it a go

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, 1/23/2012

"Hey kid, I'm not your reading buddy. Go find the other black dog..."
Hanging out with friends at the park!

Sunday, 1/22/2012

Another Sunday without pictures! Hopefully there were pancakes.

Saturday, 1/21/2012

Friday, 1/20/2012

Slide for $5 - another great Craigslist find!

Another willing reader!

How many balls can fit in my hood?
And sweatshirt pocket?

"Mama, I shared my snacks with Scout and Max!"

"Can we make a fort, Daddy?"

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thursday, 1/19/2012

Greg and Sophie discuss crayon colors

"The bear stays up!"
Pounding on the table

Wednesday, 1/18/2012

Who knows what happened? Hopefully we had a good day. :)

Tuesday, 1/17/2012

"Thanks for reading to me, Miss Kara!"
"Thanks for reading to us, Miss Lisa!"

Monday, 1/16/2012

+27?! Best game ever?

He came inside and immediately walked up the stairs.
Barricaded by the gate, he sat down to read his book.