Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Friday, 1/18/2013

Skyping with Gran during breakfast
SNOW! (Yep, that's all we got)
"Do I have to share the trains?!"

Zoning out while watching TV (and tired)
Visit with Mark and Jess

Thursday, 1/17/2013

"Choo choo!"

Rachel blur!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sunday, 1/13/2013

Clean dryer vent = faster drying time! Who knew?!

Saturday, 1/12/2013

Scout cameo

"Hi Rachel!"
A bit unsure of the festivities, so he lied down next to Kara

He wouldn't share this balloon with anyone!
That is, until baby Evie showed up. :)

Birthday boys

Friday, September 27, 2013