Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, 8/11/2011

"I won't stand for this."
"This is a mockery. Save me."
"Mama, we don't need to use the pool outside!"

Greg places his pool toys in the bucket, then promptly removes them.
"I love the pool!"
"The toys go in the bucket."
"I'm stylin' like you, Mama!"
Awesome picture of Max #1
Awesome picture of Max #2
"Max said I could share the bed with him."

For that evening, I set up a "Moms' Night In" for playgroup and three mamas came to show off their Guitar Hero skills. It may have taken the better part of an hour to complete a song without failing, but I'm pretty sure we all still had a great time!
Working hard to finish a song
Giggles ensue as we fail another time

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