Friday, April 13, 2012

Saturday, 3/17/2012

Starting off the day with "Farmer Jones"
"Mama, we GOTTA get the buffet!"

Handing animal crackers to Pops

"How did Daddy and Aunt Amy get on this pillow?"
"Grammy, you are too funny!"

Playing with Great Uncle Dana
Cutest tech support!

What can you do while holding "Farmer Jones?"
You can shoot hoops
You can swing
"Pop-pop, is it time to read 'Farmer Jones' yet?"
You can jump on the trampoline
You can play golf

"Finally, Pop-pop! Let's read!"
(Greg held onto the book for at least an hour!)

The birthday trio and the Lego cakes
Reading before dessert
"What? Is there something on my face?"

"I love my Memaw!"

Holding two golf balls and kicking a third
"Pop-pop, we gotta read some more!"
Bedtime story with Memaw

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