Friday, February 11, 2011

Doggy baths, applesauce, tooth #3

Today went to the dogs - quite literally! In the morning I laundered all of their beds and towels (two loads). Then this afternoon I took them to the veterinary clinic for their baths and nail trims. My previous boss lets me go back there to bathe them. Round trip it took three hours, which unfortunately is the norm. Andrew was able to work from home today so he could take of Greg while I destinkified Hank, Scout, and Max. Now they're all shiny!

Greg tried applesauce for the first time today. Jury is still out on whether or not he likes it. If he's anything like his mom and dad, then he definitely will!

His third tooth has finally shown itself. It is his right upper front tooth. It started bothering him eight days ago while we at my parents'. He was very upset that night and his Opa noticed that there was some swelling on the gum line. Finally the little white tooth appeared today. I am wondering if tooth #4 is on it's way right next door. His first two teeth to appear were the bottom front ones as expected.

Tooth #3 is here! (He's not too happy with Mommy taking a peek.)

Teeth #1 and #2

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