Saturday, December 10, 2011

Monday, 10/31/2011

I'm partial to Halloween - it's my birthday! I was informed that this was my golden birthday because I turned 31 on the 31st. It is supposed to bring good luck!

We attended a playgroup Halloween party. All of the kids wore their costumes! It was a rainy dreary day. Greg and his friends discovered the wonders of roof run-off and puddles. I joked to Rachel, "We're having a lesson on hypothermia today." She replied, "I like your hands-on approach!"
Sophie attempts to escape
Just woke up from his nap

(Took this pick for you, JLPL!)
Checking out the roof run-off
On to the next puddle - foot deep!

Halo perfection - a great way to use my golden birthday luck!

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