Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday, 5/24/2012

May 24 marked nine years of marriage for Andrew and myself. Happy anniversary! :)

"Happy anniversary, Mama! Let's hang out all day!"

Fascinated by the water fountain

"This meeting of the Toddler Alliance can now begin."
"Hey Abby, I'm going to steal this from you."
Lawnmower sighting

Rachel does her part to empty the water table
Don't drink out of that cup, Greg! It's poison! ;)

No family resemblance...
"I gotta earn my keep!"
Fun game for Greg = kicking the ball into the bushes
where only Kara or I could reach it

"Who needs a cup to drink?"

"DUDE, get off of my water table."
(Honestly, she probably tried to join him!)

Group hug!
"Mama, I can help with the trashcans here too!!!"

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